Band Boosters

What is a Band Booster?

A Band Booster is any parent or guardian of a student in the band program. When your student begins his or her band program, you become a booster. Welcome! We encourage parents to be as active as you can be. There are many volunteer opportunities for our band parents to participate in throughout the year, that benefit your students. Your participation is what makes our band program so fruitful. The Nease band program is only successful because of parent involvement.  

Volunteer Opportunities

We have plenty of parent volunteer opportunities throughout the season. All parent volunteers MUST complete the volunteer form on the SJCSD website to be able to participate in band activities. Below are our volunteer parent teams. Your assistance with band is greatly appreciated. Please consider joining one of the parent teams and help our band season be it’s best. 

Volunteer Parent Teams

  • Nease Guard Support Parent Team
  • Nease Band Fundraising Parent Team
  • Nease Band Uniform Parent Team
  • Nease Band Concession Stand Parent Team
  • Nease Band Student Food Parent Team
  • Nease Band Banquet Planning Parent Team
  • Nease Band Mulch Drives Parent Team
  • Nease Band Field & Prop Parent Team

Board Members

Booster President – Jennifer Schmutz

[email protected]

Booster Vice President – April Brenes

[email protected]

Booster Treasurer – Alice Fasula

[email protected]

Booster Communications Secretary – Aimee Mercer

[email protected]

Managers and Liaisons

Colorguard: TBD
Concessions: Terri Nobile, and Brandi Knowles
Middle School Liason: Ilene Bomser
Mulch Fundraiser: Carol Diachun, and Jennifer Schmutz
Nease Accounts: Venera Lajqi
Props and Equipment: David Yake
Student Food: Julie Beatty, and
Renee Pease
Uniforms: Melissa Johnson
Volunteers:Carol Diachun
[email protected]
Brett Polakowski


Bylaws approved April 2024