Interested in Color Guard?
Registration starts the end of spring and guard practice begins in the summer.
Color Guard is open to all Nease High School students.
What Is Guard?
Guard is often described as a visual interpretation of music. As a team moves across the field with the marching band, or across a decorated floor tarp, a story is told about the music heard.
In Guard, members spin flags, rifles, and sabers. They might even use other items such as ribbons, batons, bags, chairs, or other kinds of props. By learning and using the basics of ballet combined with the afore mentioned props a show is created.

Who Can participate?
Nease allows students to perform on guard teams when they are entering 9th grade. While guard is under the direction of the Band Director, one does not need to be in band to participate. In fact, most do not.
For more information on upcoming clinics, please contact us at [email protected].

Color Guard
Color guard occurs during the fall season along with Football. The color guard performs with the marching band to create the show. The marching band plays music as well as creates formations on the field while the guard dances and spins. Most high school teams perform during half-time of their school’s games; as well as doing stand dances during the game. (Stand dances = the band plays tunes and the guard dances).
Winter Guard
Winter guard is in the winter and spring seasons. This group is very similar to color guard except that the music is recorded, and the guard are the only ones on the floor. Usually, a few different songs are combined together to tell the story. These performances are generally done in a gymnasium on a thin, artistically decorated tarp.

Past Performances
Nease performs at several competitions throughout the season and has won many awards. Color Guard attends Bands of America (BOA) in Orlando, FL with the marching band. Winter Guard has attended WGI’s World Championships in Dayton, OH. Click below to see some past shows.
2021 From Yesterday To Tomorrow
2/27/2021 at Oakleaf High School
2020 Winter Open Team
2019 Winter JV Team
2018 Winter Guard
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to participate in guard?
The cost for marching season is between $850 to $1,200. For winter guard the average fee is $1,000. Budgets are made up for the season and the total expenses are divided among the number of participants. The more people participating and the more help we have fundraising, the smaller the fee!.
What does the fee pay for?
There are many things included in the budget and budgets are posted to the website. The main things are competition entrance fees, travel expenses (generally including a trip to Orlando for BOA for marching season), costumes, Friday night meals (for marching season), staff, and other equipment.
Will I need to buy anything else to participate?
Yes. Guard members should have basic neutral makeup. Depending on the show design they may be asked to buy additional eye shadow. Other items include shoes, body tights, flag bag, and gloves. Personal flags, rifles, and sabres are not required but can be helpful. Coaches may also decide to get ‘team gear’ – duffle, cooler, shirts, and/or jackets.
For band camp and weekly practices we strongly suggest the following items: comfortable athletic clothes, closed toe shoes, sunscreen, bug spray, deodorant, hats, sunglasses, and cooling items like fans, misters, cooling towel, etc.
Where are practices held?
Winter guard uses a large floor so will they will typically use the tennis courts by the bus loop and occasionally are able to use the gym.
How do Friday night football games work?
Usually the kids have a short practice and then they are served dinner before heading to the game. If the game is away there isn’t much of a practice before eating and getting on the buses. During the games, the kids are in the stands with the band and will perform ‘stand dances’ when the band plays pep songs. Half time is when they get to perform some or all of their show. Both schools have the opportunity to perform and the away team gets to go first. Sometimes there is only enough time for one band to perform at the beginning of the season and they will not perform at special occasion games like Homecoming and Senior night. The kids get third quarter for a short break, where they can purchase some food, go to the bathrooms, etc. There are parent volunteers watching the instruments and belongings in the stands during this time. Once the game is over, the kids put their gear away and can head home.
Download the PDF here for more information
Color Guard Q&A.pdf